Dr. Tung Kum Hoe Anthony, Associate Professor

Organization:  National University of Singapore
Email addressatung@comp.nus.edu.sg

Title: Information-on-the-Go: Applications and Foundation


Advances in computing and networking hardware have now enabled information to be provided as and when users need them. We call this concept Information-on-the-Go. In this talk, we will first introduce the concept of Collaborative Social Network (CSN) where users can collaborate over some central theme on the social network so that information can be shared between them dynamically. I will introduce two examples of CSNs,
i)  ARShop(http://shopbyar.com/) a system to support shopping using augmented reality and
ii) Readpeer (ivle.readpeer.com), a system for documents annotations sharing and enrichment 
We will then look at the foundational research that support ARShop and Readpeer: GENIE and LAMP (www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~atung/gl), a system for just-in-time model construction using modern hardware. Explanation will be provided on how “Variety”, the third ‘V’s of big data can be addressed by the GENIE and LAMP framework.


Dr Anthony K. H. Tung is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore (NUS).  He received both his B.Sc.(2nd Class Honour) and M.Sc. in computer sciences from the National University of Singapore in 1997 and 1998 respectively.  In 2001, he received the Ph.D. in computer sciences from Simon Fraser University (SFU).  Dr Anthony Tung main research areas are on searching, mining and visualizing complex data.  More recently, he also looks into the creation of innovative big data applications over the data processing techniques that he had developed over the past 18 years.  Anthony is also the deputy director of NUS NCript research center.